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Scoliosis is a lateral curvature, in a vertical line, of the spine. When viewed from one side, the spine should have a rounded use at the top and a curvature inward at the bottom of the back. When we look at a person with a normal spine, we notice that his back is straight. In people with scoliosis, the back is curved.
Causes of scoliosis
In general, the cause of scoliosis is unknown (idiopathic).
Over 80% of people diagnosed with scoliosis have idiopathic scoliosis (the most common form)
Types of scoliosis
✅Functional scoliosis
In this type of scoliosis, the spine is normal, but there is an abnormal curvature, due to a disorder in the body.
✅Nuromuscular scoliosis
In this case, there is a problem when the bones in the spine (vertebrae) develop. Either the inability of the vertebrae to develop completely, or the absence of delimitation of the vertebrae during fetal development.
✅Degenerative scoliosis
Unlike other forms in children and adolescents, degenerative scoliosis occurs in adults. This occurs due to changes in the spine, causing spondylosis.
What are the symptoms and signs of scoliosis?
▶ ️The head is slightly turned to one side,
▶ ️The rib cage is not symmetrical – the ribs on one side are higher than those on the other side,
▶ ️One balance is higher than the other,
▶ ️One shoulder is higher than the other,
▶ ️The patient has a sideways leaning posture,
▶ ️The legs are not the same length.
Physiotherapy treatment, as well as physiotherapy are used to correct spatial postures and to straighten the spine in patients with scoliosis.
These procedures should be repeated every 3, 6 or 9 months to maintain the results obtained.
Anti-inflammatory drugs can be used to relieve pain caused by scoliosis.
Objectively pursued:
↗️Correction of vicious posts
↗️Awareness of the correct positions of the spine, shoulders and pelvis, by adopting corrective (correct) postures.
↗️Increasing and restoring joint and muscle mobility, gradually.
↗️Tonifying the affected muscles in shortening and lengthening regime
↗️Correction and maintenance of muscle tone, through exercises and medical gymnastics.
↗️Increased muscle strength and endurance.
“Electrotherapy for scoliosis”
Currents with analgesic and muscle relaxant effect on contracted paravertebral muscles, low and medium frequency currents are used:
– diadynamic currents
– interference currents
– ultrasound has an important role through its analgesic, hyperemic and decontracting effect.

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